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keeone’s nose to the grindstone
不停地工作 埋头苦干  detail>>
nose to the grindstone
用功读书  detail>>
s nose to the grindstone
鼻子冲着磨刀石(专心工作)  detail>>
 n.  磨石;【机械工程】砂轮形磨石。 hold [keep] one's [sb.'s] nose to the grindstone 不断折磨自己[某人],使自己[...  detail>>
keeone’s hair on
保持冷静  detail>>
keeone’s resolve
保持决心  detail>>
artificial grindstone
人造磨石  detail>>
ceramic grindstone
烧结磨石  detail>>
elastic grindstone
弹性磨具  detail>>
grindstone dresser
刻石刀,刻石锉轮 磨石刻槽器  detail>>
grindstone dust
磨削屑  detail>>
grindstone island
格赖恩斯通岛  detail>>
grindstone pit
磨木机浆坑 磨石吉 磨石井  detail>>
grindstone pt
格赖恩斯通角  detail>>
grindstone with chest
带罩壳砂轮  detail>>
磨刀石水盘  detail>>
natural grindstone
天然磨石  detail>>
water grindstone
水磨石  detail>>